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Shared Services Benefits
The Shared Services Model began in 2018 between Mundelein Elementary District 75 and Mundelein High School District 120. The partnership has allowed the two districts to save money, reallocate resources to the classrooms and work toward shared goals in the best interests of the students.
By pooling talent and resources, D75 and D120 can work toward a unified goal of providing the best possible education for our students
The benefits of the Shared Services Model include:
Reallocation of Resources. Between 2019 and 2023, MHS has reallocated $6 million into classrooms and District 75 has reallocated $3 million through the Shared Services model. During a four-year period, the two districts have reinvested a total of $9 million reinvested back into programs that benefit students and improve student achievement.
More efficient leadership. The districts are consolidating positions as they become available. When there is attrition or retirements, two roles will merge into one. By sharing these costs, we’ve made our team of administrators in both districts deeper at a lower cost to both districts.
Curriculum improvements. Shared Services strengthens the flow of our curriculum between District 75 and the high school. The continuity and collaboration among staff at both districts improves academic programs for students at all levels of education. This has also led to a stronger partnership with the other elementary school districts that send students to MHS.
Create a productive synergy. Shared Service administrators and staff from both districts share information, data and ideas with their counterparts from other elementary feeder districts. The four superintendents from these five districts meet monthly. This collaboration leads to better decision-making and improved educational opportunities for all students.
Alignment between grade levels. Leadership roles have been adjusted to fit Shared Services, creating better alignment and consistency between middle school and high school curricula. For example, as eighth-grade math teachers better understand teaching methods at the high school, they can better prepare eighth-grade students for the next level of education. In the same way, high school teachers also better understand the methods used at the middle school and make necessary adjustments to best educate incoming freshmen.
Efficiencies in materials, supplies and skilled labor. Supplies like salt can be bought in bulk and shared. Skilled personnel such as electricians can be shared among both districts. Departments that provide the similar services, such as accounting and technology will have less overlap, greater efficiencies and a deeper bench.
Continuity for students and parents. Processes and systems from registration to curriculum nights are streamlined so a parent has a consistent experience from the time their child enters kindergarten to when they graduate high school.
Collaboration with other districts. The Shared Services Model has led to further collaboration with schools from Fremont, Hawthorn and Diamond Lake, all districts that feed into MHS. These connections promise to enhance the continuity of programming from academics, athletics to extracurriculars across the entire Mundelein community.
Staff training opportunities. Staff from both districts will be exposed to more training opportunities.